Dr. habil. Vladimir Osinov


  1. Feldversuch zum Rüttelstopfsäuleneinbau und Betrachtungen zur Hohlraumaufweitung
    Mugele, L.; Knittel, L.; Osinov, V.; Pandrea, P.; Stutz, H. H.
    2024. geotechnik, 47 (2). doi:10.1002/gete.202300018
  1. Numerical analysis of the tunnel-soil interaction caused by an explosion in the tunnel
    Osinov, V. A.; Chrisopoulos, S.; Triantafyllidis, T.
    2019. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 122, 318–326. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.09.010
  1. Some Aspects of the Boundary Value Problems for the Cyclic Deformation of Soil
    Osinov, V. A.
    2017. Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes : Theoretical Results and Applications. Ed.: T. Triantafyllidis, 150–167, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52590-7_6
  1. Vibration-induced stress changes in saturated soil: A high-cycle problem
    Osinov, V. A.; Chrisopoulos, S.; Grandas-Tavera, C.
    2016. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics, 80, 69–84. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23159-4_4
  2. Dynamic problem for the deformation of saturated soil in the vicinity of a vibrating pile toe
    Chrisopoulos, S.; Osinov, V. A.; Triantafyllidis, T.
    2016. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics, 80, 53–67. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23159-4_3
  1. A numerical model for the site response analysis and liquefaction of soil during earthquakes
    Osinov, V. A.
    2003. In: Geotechnical measurements and modelling. Ed.: O. Natau. Lisse 2003. S. 475-481 
  2. Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of local site conditions on the ground motion during strong earthquakes
    Buehler, M.; Cudmani, R.; Osinov, V. A.; Libreros-Bertini, A.-B.; Gudehus, G.
    2003. In: Geotechnical measurements and modelling. Ed.: O. Natau. Lisse 2003. S. 441-449 
  1. The role of dilatancy in the plastodynamics of granular solids
    Osinov, V. A.
    2001. In: Powder and grains 2001. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sendai, Japan 2001. Ed.: Y. Kishino. Lisse 2001. S. 135-138 
  2. Evolution of plane disturbances in hypoplastic granular materials
    Berezin, Y. A.; Osinov, V. A.; Hutter, K.
    2001. Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 13 (2), 79–90 
  3. On permanent long-wave distortions of a railway track due to the moving vehicle load
    Osinov, V. A.
    2001. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 71 (6-7), 418–425. doi:10.1007/s004190000141
  4. The cavity expansion problem for the interpretation of cone penetration and pressuremeter tests
    Cudmani, R.; Osinov, V. A.
    2001. Canadian geotechnical journal, 38, 622–638 
  5. Theoretical investigation of the cavity expansion problem based on a hypoplasticity model
    Osinov, V. A.; Cudmani, R.
    2001. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 25 (5), 473–495. doi:10.1002/nag.138
  1. Wave-induced liquefaction of a saturated sand layer
    Osinov, V. A.
    2000. Contin. mech. and thermodyn. 12 (2000) S. 325-339 
  2. Settlement of liquefied sand after a strong earthquake
    Osinov, V. A.; Loukachev, I.
    2000. In: Compaction of soils, granulates and powders. Ed.: D. Kolymbas. Rotterdam 2000. S. 297-306 
  3. Expansion of a cylindrical cavity in sand
    Osinov, V. A.; Cudmani, R.
    2000. Task quart. 4 (2000) S. 421-438 
  1. On the formation of discontinuities of wave fronts in a saturated granular body
    Osinov, V. A.
    1998. Contin. mech. and thermodyn. 10 (1998) H. 5 S. 253-268 
  2. Theoretical investigation of large-amplitude waves in granular soils
    Osinov, V. A.
    1998. Soil dyn. and earthquake engng. 17 (1998) H. 1 S. 13-28 
  1. Plane waves and dynamic ill-posedness in granular media
    Osinov, V. A.
    1997. In: Powders & Grains 97. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Powders & Grains, Durham, NC 1997. Ed.: R.P. Behringer. Rotterdam 1997. S. 363-366 
  1. Zur Densifikation wassergesättigter mineralischer Korngerüste
    Gudehus, G.; Osinov, V.; Zou, Y.
    1996. In: Beiträge zur Mechanik. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reint de Boer. Essen 1995. S. 145-156. (Forschungsberichte aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen, Universität Essen, Gesamthochschule. 66.) 
  2. Plane shear waves and loss of stability in a saturated granular body
    Osinov, V.; Gudehus, G.
    1996. Mech. of cohesive-frictional mater. 1 (1996) S. 25-44 
  1. A model of a discrete stochastic medium for the problems of loose material flow
    Osinov, V.
    1994. Contin. mech. and thermodyn. 6 (1994) H. 1 S. 51-60 
  1. A model of a discrete stochastic medium for the problems of deformation and flow of loose materials. [in Russian]
    Osinov, V. A.
    1992. Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemi razrabotki poleznikh iskopaemikh 1992 No. 5